Embarrassing Conspiracy Theories

For a while now I've been posting articles about conspiracy theories in which "evidence" used to promote them is so poorly based, and occasional fraudulently based, that it should be embarrassing for someone to believe in them.

To make it easier for you to find these articles that I've posted, here is a list of the Embarrassing Conspiracy Theories articles that I've posted on this blog so far:

What is an Embarrassing Conspiracy Theory?

This article isn't about any conspiracy theories, but about what criteria I consider a conspiracy theory to need in order to be considered an "Embarrassing Conspiracy Theory".


This article concerns the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States, and what may possibly be the real reason why some people continue to believe this.

No Planes hit the World Trade Center

This article examines the extremely insane conspiracy theories that no planes hit the WTC towers, and just why these theories are so crazy to believe in, that even many conspiracy theorists won't believe in them.

Debunker Bloggers = Dis-information Agents

This article concerns the accusation made by many conspiracy theorists that people who write debunking blogs are dis-information agents, and why this belief is logically faulty.

Moon Landing Hoax

This article concerns the belief that the US never went to the Moon, and that all the Moon landings were hoaxes, and why the evidence disproving this shows that it's embarrassing to continue to believe in.

9/11 Controlled Demolition

This article concerns the ongoing belief among many conspiracy theorists that the WTC towers were brought down in a controlled demolition, and why this claim isn't true.

Follow up: WTC 7

A follow up to my 9/11 Controlled Demolition post, this article discusses the 9/11 conspiracy theory that World Trade Center 7 was brought down in a controlled demolition, and why this is in fact false.

Holocaust Denial

This article examines the extremely disgusting conspiracy theory that the Holocaust didn't happen, and what may be the real reason why some people believe in this conspiracy theory.

Vaccine Autism Connection Coverup

This article concerns the belief that vaccines cause autism, and that the connection is being covered up by pharmaceutical companies, and why this belief is not only false, but very dangerous.

Homosexual Agenda

This article concerns the myths about homosexuals and the homosexual community, and why these beliefs are not only false, but nothing more then made up conspiracy theories.

Radical Conspiracy Theorist = Dis-information Agent

This article concerns the belief by some conspiracy theorists that other conspiracy theorists who promote very bizarre and radical conspiracy theories are dis-information agents, and why this belief is logically faulty.


This article concerns the conspiracy theory about chemtrails, and why there is not only no evidence what so ever to support this belief, but why chemtrails wouldn't be effective even if they were real.

Follow up: Vinegar Warriors

This follow up to the chemtrails article concerns the belief that vinegar gets rid of chemtrail stuff from the atmosphere, and why not only this wouldn't work, but that it might even be hazardous to your health.

Pearl Harbor

This article concerns the belief that the US government allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to happen, and why this belief is not only logically faulty, but that the evidence that is often claimed to be proof that the attack was known about before it happened is flawed.

BP Oil Spill

This article concerns the accusations that the BP gulf oil spill was intentional, and why BP's safety record show's this to be any thing but intentional.

The Pentagon was hit with a Missile on 9/11

This article concerns the conspiracy theory that the Pentagon was really hit by a missile on 9/11, and why eye witness testimony and the type of damage done to the building disproves this.

Ancient Aliens Cover-up

This article concerns the accusations that proof of contact with aliens in our past is being covered up, and why these accusations simply are not true, and that ancient alien theory is nothing more then pseudoscience.

Follow up: How Myths are Created

This follow up to the Ancient Aliens Cover-up article show how myths are created, and how they can start out simple, and end up over time becoming very complex.

Drones were what really hit the WTC towers and the Pentagon on 9/11

This article examines the conspiracy theory that the WTC towers and the Pentagon were actually hit by drones on 9/11, and why this is impossible.

Water Fluoridation

This article concerns the conspiracy theories behind water fluoridation, and why these beliefs are unfounded, and not based on facts.

Acts of Mass Murder are False Flag Attacks

This article examines the belief that acts of mass murder are actually committed by government agents to help pave the way for gun bans and martial law, and why these claims are just bogus.

The Government Kills Conspiracy Theorists

This article examines the accusations that the government murders conspiracy theorists, and why these accusations are not just highly flawed, but simply untrue.

FEMA Camps

This article examines the accusations that FEMA is constructing prison camps to hold American citizens sometime in the future, and that not only is this belief false, but that the evidence that conspiracy theorists claim shows proof of FEMA camps are real is actually fraudulent.

Follow up: American Holocaust

In this follow up to my FEMA camps article I talk about one of the main conspiracies that goes along with the FEMA camp conspiracies, and that is that the government going to kill millions, and why two of the most cited pieces of "evidence" doesn't hold up.

Follow up: Executive Orders

In this second follow up to my FEMA camps article I discuss one of the most commonly cited pieces of "evidence" that the government is going to enact marshal law in the future soon, Presidential executive orders, and how this orders are badly misinterpreted.

9/11 was staged by Israel

This article examines the belief the 9/11 attacks were committed by the nation of Israel, and what is the real reason behind this conspiracy theory, and who are the ones who most promote it.

The Illuminati controls the Music Industry

There are a lot of rumors going around the internet that the music industry is controlled by the "Illuminati". In this article I explain why the music industry in not controlled by the Illuminati (which is a fictional group to begin with).

Shape-shifting Aliens control the Earth

There are a lot of strange conspiracy theories out there, but this one is so bizarre that many people (both skeptics and some conspiracy theorists alike) think it's a hoax: That shape-shifting reptilian aliens are impersonating our world leaders and controlling the Earth.

Mind control. Some people believe that not only is it true, but that their own minds have been attacked. But is it even possible, and if it isn't why do some people believe they have been targeted? In this article I explain why mind control isn't possible, and what may be the real reason why some people believe their minds have been attacked.

Natural Disasters are False Flag Attacks

It's always tragic when people die in a natural disaster, but there are some people who believe that any time there is a natural disaster (especially the major disasters) that it's actually man made. In this article I explain why this is not possible and just insane.

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