Friday, August 31, 2012

Sometimes you've just got to let a person believe what they want

Ever have a friend or a family member who believes in a lot conspiracy theories, or pseudoscience, or maybe even just a couple conspiracy theories?

Well, you're not alone. In fact I know several people who believe in a conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. Heck, even I use to believe in several conspiracy theories myself when I was younger.

So now to the topic at hand:

How do you handle a friend, or a family member, who might believe in a conspiracy theory, even a mundane one?

Well, first it depends on how they're handling the fact that you don't believe in the conspiracy theory. If they are being sensible about it, and they don't appear to take it to seriously, then it's fine to continue the conversation with them, but if their tone starts to become hostile, or if you're having this conversation with them over the internet, and they start using certain tools of the conspiracy theorist trade, such as posts of attrition, then you have to ask yourself what is more important: beating the person down to the point where you believe that you have won and have made their argument invalid, or your relationship with that person?

Sometimes it's best just to let it go and bow out, especially if the person doesn't take the conspiracy theory so seriously that it's to the point where it affects their lives, and the way they view those who don't believe in what they believe, and the world around them.

Bowing out doesn't mean you are agreeing with them, or at the very least that you think that their argument is a valid one, it just means that you don't want to fight with them any more, and you should make it well known that you don't wish to fight with them any more, and maybe even apologize for upsetting them, but, you also need to make it well known that you don't believe that the conspiracy theory or the pseudoscience that they claim to be real is real, or at least that it doesn't have enough evidence for you to accept that it might be real.

You must also make it very clear that you really are just bowing out, and not backing down on your claim, and you must also hold to your own self agreement that you won't go after them when they post something you don't agree with as well, no matter how tempting it is to "correct" them, just resist the urge, and if the website you're having your debate on has a way of hiding certain posts that person makes, and those posts really are upsetting you, and are making you feel like you need to "correct" them, then you should take the option of hiding those posts.

Also, don't back down on the fact that what they believe really is either a conspiracy theory or pseudoscience, even if they don't believe that, and believe what they believe is factual, and even tells you that they are insulted by the fact that you're calling what they believe is either a conspiracy theory or pseudoscience, they still need to be reminded that what they believe either isn't real, or probably is not real. Most people who do believe in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience tend to be in denial of the fact that what they believe doesn't have enough evidence, or even any evidence, to support their claims

In the end, it's really best to let them find out on their own that the conspiracy theories and pseudosciences that they believe is real, really isn't. Challenge them to do the research on their own, and from actual, reliable sources, and not some Youtube videos, or propaganda websites, or websites that promote conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.

Of course, if their beliefs in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories really is affecting their lives and the way they view the world and people who don't believe in that stuff, then you need to suggest to them that they may need some psychiatric help.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Robbert van Broeke: Now Nancy Talbott tells Chorley family to “get on with your life”


Now, since this whole saga started, with Robbert claiming to have contacted various dead crop circle related figures, and the general howls of disgust from the crop circle community, I was surprised that suddenly Talbott, Van Broeke and other supporters such as Suzanne Taylor, suddenly became very, very quiet. It seems that after the outrage they were keeping their heads down. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. As Colin Andrews has posted on his website, Nancy Talbott has been very vocal and very blunt by telling the complaining Chorley family to “get on with your life”. So love and light!

The Chorley family have felt very upset with the whole affair and have contacted Nancy directly. Nancy has responded thus:

“Mr. Chorley,

Please save yourself the time and trouble of any further correspondence. You have already made your viewpoint clear and I have done my best to do the same. I don’t intend to read any additional assaults on my or Robbert’s intelligence or integrity.  You must either accept what I have written as truthful, or not, and get on with your life–because I have said what I can.

Nancy Talbott”

That is about as sensitive and conciliatory as a house-brick to the side of your head.

Understandably the Chorley family have responded:

To continue this article: Robbert van Broeke: Now Nancy Talbott tells Chorley family to “get on with your life”

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Embarrassing Conspiracy Theories: FEMA camps

There is this growing belief among many conspiracy theorists that FEMA, and by extension, the United States government and the United Nations, is constructing prison camps. The reason behind this belief is another belief held by many conspiracy theorists is that the government is going to soon declare martial law in preparation for take over by the alleged "New World Order" (a group that conspiracy theorists claims to exist, but has never been able to prove exists), and that the camps are being constructed to hold people who might object to government or NWO authority.

This conspiracy theory is not new to me. In fact, the first time I heard about it was back in the mid 1990's while watching a day time talk show, and one of the guest on there was saying that the government was building death camps to kill white people...

The guest on that show was a member of the KKK, so obviously the person isn't the most reliable source of information on anything what so ever.

Now besides the historical interment camps used to illegally hold Japanese-American citizens back in the 1940's, there's no evidence what so ever that the US has any interment camps or prison camps. In fact, many alleged photos that are claimed to be FEMA camps are actually National Guard training camps, the interment camps used to hold Japanese-Americans, POW camps, real prisons that hold prisoners, or some other facility that would make sense to have a fence around and some security. Some of these photos are of actual prison camps... in North Korea.

Now if these FEMA camps really did exist, then shouldn't there be a lot of people who actually built these places and worked at these places be standing up and telling the public that these places do indeed exist, and what they will most likely be used for? In fact, as far as I know, no one who allegedly worked at an alleged FEMA camp has ever come forward and said that FEMA camps are real, and that they'll be used as prison camps.

Now some conspiracy theorists will say that the reason behind this is because the government has either managed to bribe or frighten everyone who ever helped construct or worked at a FEMA camp, but that would be very difficult to do, considering the thousands of people who would be needed to construct and run such places. The more logical reason why no one has ever come forward is because there's most likely nothing to come forward about.

Now there really are emergency housing facilities that are operated by FEMA that also have fencing around them, which I assume is to keep criminals out. Now these facilities are also sometimes confused for prison camps as well, but these places also have playground equipment on them, a lot like some public housing facilities and schools.

One more thing. When you take into consideration just how effective FEMA has been in the past, would you really want them to be in charge of a bunch of prison camps?

For a further reading on places that have been misidentified, please go to

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rush Limbaugh is trying to keep up with the Alex Joneses

It appears that Rush Limbaugh has truly gone off the deep end (I know some people might argue that he went off the deep end a long time ago, but hear me out). Rush is now accusing President Obama of trying to get the Republican National Convention canceled. The method that he is accusing President Obama of using to get the convention canceled isn't some sort of legal tactic or use of intimidation, but a hurricane.

Yep, that's right, Rush Limbaugh is accusing President Obama of sending Hurricane Issac towards the Republican Nation Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Well, not exactly sending it, but he is accusing the National Hurricane Center of faking Hurricane Issac's projected path so\ to make it look like it's going towards Tampa Bay, and that President Obama will send in FEMA ahead of time to basically make the convention look like a bunch of tents and RVs...

While Rush is certainly a hardcore conservative, and has promoted conspiracy theories in the past, most of the conspiracy theories tended to be nothing more then political propaganda, which is not uncommon when it comes to politics, but now it seems that the conspiracy theories that he is promoting is moving away from political propaganda, to nutcase conspiracy theories.

Case in point, when the movie The Dark Knight Rises came out, Rush accused the movie's creators of basically creating the movie as anti Romney propaganda because the main villain was called Bane, and Mitt Romney use to be an executive for Bain Capital...

And that's not all...

Rush has accused President Obama of having governing style similar to that of Hitler's, and that he created the recession to get back at the United States for racism...

Rush has also accused environmentalists of causing the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

And these are only a few examples of some of the insane and completely wrong statements (sometimes out right lies) that Rush has made over the years, which has only increased since President Obama took office.

Over the years Rush Limbaugh has moved away from right wing political commentator, to right wing nut job and conspiracy theorist, much like how Alex Jones is.

It shocks me that anyone takes Rush seriously anymore...

Friday, August 24, 2012

10 People who could have become President of the United States

So far there have been a total 43 people who have become President of the United States, but there are also several other people who could have become president, but didn't, either because of a matter of a few votes, or a matter of fate.

So here now is a list of 10 people who could have become President of the United States:

10. Robert F. Kennedy

Senator of New York, US Attorney General, and brother of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy announced on March 16, 1968 that he was running for President the United States. Unfortunately, on June 5, 1968, he was assassinated. Many people to this day speculate about whether or not he would have been elected president if he had not been assassinated.

9. John McCain

Senator John McCain of Arizona has run for president twice. In 2008 he was defeated soundly Barack Obama, and back when he ran in 2000, he didn't even receive the Republican nomination, but many people have speculated that if he had won the Republican nomination in 2000, he would have defeated Al Gore, and by a much wider margin then what George W. Bush did.

8. Thomas E. Dewey

While it's true that New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey didn't actually come close to becoming president, many in the media at the time had speculated during the voting returns that he was going to defeat President Truman. One newspaper, the Chicago Daily Tribune, was so convinced that Governor Dewey was going to win, that they published in their headlines that Dewey had defeated Truman, which lead to this iconic photo:

7. Hillary Clinton

In 2008 the former first lady and New York senator ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. She barely lost the nomination to Barack Obama, and due to the fact that the Republicans were so unpopular at the time, if she had won the nomination, she could very well have become the first female President of the United States.

6. Henry A. Wallace

Basically this is a matter of fate. If Franklin D. Roosevelt had chosen to keep his Vice President of his third term, Henry Wallace, and had not chosen Harry Truman to be his Vice President, Henry Wallace would have become the 33rd President of the United States after President Roosevelt died.

5. Hannibal Hamlin

Once again, this is a matter of fate. Hannibal Hamlin was Abraham Lincoln's first Vice President, and if President Lincoln had decided to run with Hamlin again instead of Andrew Johnson, he would have become the 17th President of the United States after President Lincoln had been assassinated.

4. Winfield Scott Hancock

While General Winfield Scott Hancock may have been solidly defeated by James A. Garfield in the 1880 presidential election, in terms of electoral votes, he only lost the popular vote by less than 2,000 votes. It is entirely plausible that if General Hancock had received a few more thousand votes, he might have become the 20th president of the United States.

3. Al Gore

Vice President Al Gore barely lost to George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election. In fact he had only lost by five electoral votes, and had actually won the popular vote. He had also only lost the state of Florida, the state that ultimately resulted in him losing the election, by 537 votes. Even to this day some people still won't acknowledge George W. Bush's victory in that election, and continue to blame the Supreme Court and Ralph Nader (who many consider to be a spoiler in that election) for Al Gore's lose.

2. Samuel J. Tilden

New York Governor Samuel Tilden almost defeated Rutherford B. Hayes in the 1876 presidential election. He actually did win the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote by one vote. In fact, 20 of the electoral votes in three states were disputed, but were eventually awarded to Rutherford B. Hayes. This is perhaps the closest that any one has come to being elected president, and still never becoming President of the United States.

1. Benjamin Wade

Senator Benjamin Wade was President Pro Tempore of the US Senate at the time of President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, and at that time in our country, our laws stated that the President Pro Tempore of the US Senate was second in line of presidential succession. If only one vote had gone against President Johnson, then Benjamin Wade would have become the 18th President of the United States.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Conspiracy Theories & The Paranormal: Why the belief and promotion of both can be dangerous

Recently while I was on a skeptics message board I met a young man who was having trouble getting over the belief in the Illuminati and spirit communication via the Oujia board. While I believe his belief in the Illuminati has been has been destroyed, it appears he just can't get over his fear of the Oujia board due to all of the stories about dark spirit and demon communications via the Oujia board on the internet. These stories are at the very least nothing but then misinterpretations and mass hysteria, and at the very worst, outright lies, but this young man just can not seem to get over the fact that people do lie about this stuff, or that people don't understand that people do stuff subconsciously with the Oujia board, and because of this, these stories are terrifying him, even though he does know they aren't real, he just can not seem to get that concept completely into his mind.

Another young man that I've been in communications with via Twitter also was having anxiety because Illuminati conspiracy theories, and FEMA camp conspiracy theories, and that he was having trouble getting over those beliefs as well, and that these conspiracy theories terrified him so badly that he had seriously considered committing suicide due to his fear that he and his family would be thrown into a FEMA camp or killed. His autism probably didn't help with his anxiety over these conspiracy theories either. So this young man, instead of drowning in his fears, decided to start his own debunking blog called Autistic Skeptic as a way to help him as a way to get over his anxiety, and fears, and beliefs in these conspiracy theories.

On another blog I sometimes visit there were posts in the comments section of one blog article that were made by a young man who claimed to have post traumatic stress disorder due to the "conspiracy" involving the 9/11 attacks. This person had more then just PTSD, and appeared to be very mentally disturbed, and was posting threatening pictures on his Facebook page that he saw as "art".

These three young men's stories are just a few examples of what may be thousands, if not millions of people who have believed in conspiracy theories and the paranormal, or still do seriously believe  in conspiracy theories and the paranormal, or are having trouble getting over the fact that these conspiracy theories and stories about the paranormal just aren't real, and are entirely made up as a way to promote some sort of political or religious agenda, or that these people who post this stuff on the internet are just misinterpreting things that happen to them, or what they saw, or that they're making this stuff up to get attention. This has become even easier now because of the internet, because you don't have to look a person right in the face and lie.

Because some people have trouble determining what is real and what is not real over the internet, and that some people may have mental issues, or because of how they were raised and what beliefs they were taught, these conspiracy theories and stories of the paranormal can terrify them to the point where it affects their lives. Even if they know it's not real, if they have any bits of belief in them of these fringe subjects, and they are very gullible and easily scared, it can very badly affect their out look on the world, and their health. It can even lead some people to commit suicide, or worse, murder.

For those who do seriously believe in conspiracy theories and the paranormal, not only can these affect both their physical and mental health, it can also affect how they interact with the people around them as well. Constantly talking about and insisting that such things are real can lead to some people who don't believe in such fringe things to end up cutting communications with that person because they can't deal with that person's paranoia. Beliefs in fringe things can also lead to believers cutting off communications with friends and family members because they can't deal with people trying to convince them that what they believe isn't real, or they might even begin to believe that those people are working for some forces that are trying to destroy them. To people that they don't know, sometimes they will act extremely nasty towards them, sometimes to the point where the other person feels threaten and they end up calling the police.

This is what makes conspiracy theories and stories of the paranormal so harmful, and why I debunk this stuff. It's not because they're real, because most often times they are not, but because the shear thought of their existence can terrify some people to the point where it drives them crazy and they may end up harming themselves, or others.

To read more about the Autistic Skeptic's story please go to his page about his personal experiences with conspiracy theories, and read about his struggles over his beliefs in conspiracy theories, the anxiety brought on by those beliefs, and his struggle to rid himself of those beliefs and the fear that comes with them.

Friday, August 17, 2012

6 Ways to tell if a Conspiracy Theorist posting on the Internet is Mentally Disturbed

If anyone has ever encountered a conspiracy theorist on the internet, then you know that some of them can be quite intense people, even to the point where you might believe that they are mentally disturbed.

So here now is a list of six ways to tell if a conspiracy theorist that you see posting on the internet might be mentally disturbed:

(Author's note: it should be noted that there is a difference between being mentally ill and mentally disturbed. Mental illness is actually far more common then most people might think. In fact, one-in-four people in the United States has some type of mental illness. You might even know someone who has a mental illness and not even know it. What mental illness is, is something that happens to a person's mind or brain to cause them to act and think irrationally, and they can usually recognize the negative impact it is having on them and their life. As for someone who is mentally disturbed, they also might think and act irrationally, but their irrationality would be in a much more volatile and disturbing manner, and they might be so far gone that they do not realize this.

Also, just because person's posts might indicate that they are mentally disturbed, it doesn't mean that they are in fact mentally disturbed, they could just be a troll, but even a troll can still be mentally disturbed.)

6. Incoherence

Basically speaking, whatever messages they post either barely make any sense, or makes no sense what so ever. This can be a gradual thing, where if you're having an argument with the conspiracy theorist, over time they can begin making less and less sense as they grow more frustrated and angry because you're not agreeing with them, or they're just incoherent out right.

5. Volatile & Vileness

Some conspiracy theorists, especially those who might be mentally disturbed, can become extremely angry in a second, especially when confronted with evidence that the conspiracy theories that they believe in are in fact false. It's quite common for people who are like this to post messages that are best described as either being threatening, insulting, and at the very least, disturbing. Sometimes they'll even make threats against public officials and institutions, or just the people they're arguing with.

4. Paranoia

If a conspiracy theorist argues how everything the media says is a lie, how the government constantly spreads dis-information, and how debunkers are government dis-information agents, and how banks and corporations are controlling the world, then they are probably paranoid. While this might actually be quite common for a conspiracy theorist, some will go on about how you need to prepare, such as by buying all the guns and ammo you can, to building a bunker and living in isolation. They might also not buy certain things, or from certain business, or put their money in a bank account, because they don't trust them.

Some conspiracy theorists who are extremely paranoid will even believe in very bizarre conspiracy theories, or won't even trust their own family. The most paranoid conspiracy theorists most likely wouldn't even use the internet in the first place, because they fear that the government will use it to track them down and harm them.

3. Obsession

For some conspiracy theorists, conspiracy theories can take over their lives. They become obsessed not only with conspiracy theories, but proving that they are real. Some will even abandon their families, or more likely, their families will abandon them, because of their obsession.

It's pretty easy to spot a conspiracy theorist on the internet that is obsessed with conspiracy theories, because they won't stop posting about a conspiracy theory until they are convinced that you are convinced that the conspiracy theory that they are talking about is real, or that they have convinced themselves that they have "debunked" a debunking of a conspiracy theory, or they're kicked off of a website, and even then, because of their obsessive needs, they'll constantly try to find a way to get back in.

2. Unable to see the harm in their actions

A conspiracy theorist who is mentally disturbed might not be able to see or figure out that their own actions are harmful, even if what they are posting might be considered illegal. They tend to not to be able to figure out why everyone is making such a big deal over the way they're acting. Some will even admit that their own friends and family have distanced themselves from them, or that they have distanced themselves from their friends and family because they will not accept what he or she believes in.

1. Admits having a Mental Illness

Some conspiracy theorists will admit that they actually are mental ill, but usually the mental illness that they admit to having is usually anxiety based, which can come about after watching and/or experiencing a traumatic event, such as an act of terrorism, or a mass shooting.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Embarrassing Conspiracy Theories: The Government Kills Conspiracy Theorists

What are four things that Alex Jones, David Icke, and Jesse Venture all have in common?

1. All three are considered three to be among the top conspiracy theorists in the world.
2. All three have used the media and the internet to promote conspiracy theories.
3. All three have made millions from promoting conspiracy theories.
4. All three are still alive.

For many years conspiracy theorists have been claiming that the government, or some shadowy NWO type of groups, are murdering conspiracy theorists, either to keep them from continuing to promote conspiracy theories, or to prevent them from "revealing" certain information.

It doesn't matter how the person died. They could have died of natural causes, or they could have committed suicide, but to conspiracy theorists, the fact that another conspiracy theorist is dead, especially a top conspiracy theorist, makes many fellow conspiracy theorists suspicious.

Many conspiracy theorists who have died over years due to natural causes have died because of either a stroke, or a heart attack, or cancer, or some other disease. The reason why they are believed to have been murdered is because many conspiracy theorists tend think that it just seems to "convenient".

Strokes, heart attacks, and cancer can happen to anyone, even healthy people who eat right and work out. The older you get, the more increased risk you have at having a stroke or a heart attack, especially if you're over the age of 50. Plus, stress is a leading cause of heart attacks, and conspiracy theorists tend to put a lot of unnecessary stress on themselves. As for cancer, while you might have an increased risk of getting it the older you get, it knows no age limit.

With the claim about cancer being used as a method of murder, the usual accusations are is that the cancer was either to fast acting, or incurable. The thing is, is that a lot of cancers are either fast acting, or just seems to be to fast acting because they hadn't been diagnosis soon enough, and by the time the cancer is found, it's to late to do anything about it, and the person is dead within a few months, or even a weeks, sometimes even a few days. As for the incurable part, technically all cancers are incurable, and can only be suppressed to the point where they won't cause a person harm, and even shrunk to where they're not visible.

Every year the list of cancers that are considered un-treatable grows less and less, but ten and twenty years ago, there were a lot more types of cancers that were un-treatable. This is another reason reason why people die of cancer, because back whenever they got it and died from it, it was considered to be un-treatable.

Also, cancer is to difficult to put inside someone. You have to surgically put it inside someone, so obviously you're going to know if someone put cancer inside of you.

As for some other disease killing a conspiracy theorist, well, diseases kill people all the time. Some are really fast acting, or have no cures, so there is nothing you can do anything about them.

Now, as for the claim that conspiracy theorist who commit suicide are actually murdered, and that the deaths are staged to make it appear to be suicides, you have to understand that conspiracy theorists tend to be rather paranoid people. Some may even have severe mental issues, but don't know or believe they have mental issues, because they have never sought mental health treatments, because they might not trust the mental health industry.

For people who have untreated mental issues, or who self medicate by using illegal drugs and alcohol, there is an increased chance that person will commit suicide. In fact, some conspiracy theorists who do commit suicide may even try to stage their suicides to look like murders to make fellow conspiracy theorists think that someone wanted them silenced.

The fact is, is that people die, even conspiracy theorists. Whether it be by natural causes, or at their own hands, it happens.

By the way, if the government really did murder conspiracy theorists, then Alex Jones, David Icke, and Jesse Venture would have been dead years ago.

Friday, August 10, 2012

7 Alternative Earth Theories

The Earth is the third planet from the sun. It's a round sphere that's filled with magma and molten iron, and is around 4.5 billion years old.

As some of you might also know, this hasn't always been accepted. In fact, for some people, it still isn't accepted.

While for many of the following alternative Earth theories, most of you have probably heard of a few, but there might be a few that you haven't heard of.

So here now are the seven alternative Earth theories:

7. Hollow Earth

One of the oldest and most common alternative Earth theories, this theory is based on the belief that the Earth is hollow, and is actually only about a thousand miles thick (although the thickness varies). Another usual belief within the Hollow Earth theory is that the interior is also full of air and possibly life forms, maybe even intelligent life. It's also usually believed that at the exact center of the Earth is a small sun which provides both heat and light for the interior, and would explain the heat the scientist find from inside the Earth, and it's  also believed that interior sun would also provide enough gravity for the surface, or that the mass of the Earth itself would be enough to produce one gee force worth of gravity.

This theory isn't even close to being possible.

If the Earth actually had a sun inside it, it would kill anything on the surface due to the huge amounts of radiation and heat it would produce, and a few hundred miles of dirt and rock would not be enough to shield the surface from the radiation that a planet would get from a star that's that close. Of course you wouldn't have to worry about radiation in the first place, because the gravity a sun can produce, even one small enough to fit inside a planet, would cause a planet to implode if one was inside a world. Even without the inner sun, the mass of the Earth would not be enough to produce the gravity that keeps us on the surface, and the centrifugal forces would throw everything that wasn't secured to bedrock off the surface.

6. Multi-Sphere Hollow Earth

In 1692, English scientist Edmond Halley proposed the idea that the Earth was not only hollow, but had several hollow spheres inside it as well, with one inside the next. Sometimes at the center is a small, solid planetoid, sometimes it's a small sun.

The problems with this theory is the same with the hollow Earth theory, but also the spheres would have to be rotating insync with each. If one sphere was either rotating even a little bit slower, or a little bit faster, the spheres would collide with each other, and destroy the planet.

5. Concave Earth

Probably one of the strangest alternative Earth theories ever made, basically the concave Earth theory is the belief that what we consider the surface of the Earth is actually the interior, and that all the stars, the sun, the planets, and the moon, are actually inside the Earth itself.

Besides the fact that the way centrifugal force works, in that the further away you get from the equator, the lighter the gravity would get, you would also be experiencing coriolis effect as well. Plus, you should be able to see the other side of the Earth with even a cheap telescope.

4. Flat Earth

(Note: this section has been edited to correctly state that the Flat Earth theory is a more modern belief, rather then an older belief)

Contrary to popular belief that this is a very old theory, the belief that the Earth is basically flat is a relatively modern theory, and in most interpretations is surrounded by a wall on ice, or that the water at the edge evaporates and returns to the Earth in the form of rain. Most believers in this theory also believe that the sun orbits the Earth, or that the Earth does orbit the sun, but in some strange zig-zag fashion.

Besides the fact that the pictures taken from outer space and the Moon obviously proves this to be false, if you get on top of a tall building or a mountain that has a lot of flat ground around you, you can see the curve of the Earth yourself. Also, if water was falling off the edge, evaporating, and turning into rain, then it would be raining on Earth all the time, and the Earth would be constantly covered in clouds.

3. Expanding Earth

This theory states that the Earth is actually expanding constantly, and that continents are really only moving away from each other because of this expansion.

The problem with theory is that it doesn't take into account certain things such as plate tectonics. Studies in plate tectonics clearly shows that the continents are moving either closer together, or further apart. In fact it's very well known that the Atlantic is growing, and the Pacific is shrinking. Also, if this was true, then why is 70% of the surface covered with water? There should be a lot less water covering the surface. And if the Earth is expanding, then how exactly is it getting filled in?

2. Geocentric Earth

Geocentric Earth is basically the theory that the Earth is either at the center of the solar system, or the center of the universe, and that everything else in the solar system or the universe orbits around the Earth.

This is one of the earliest and most famous theories to be proven false. Any one with a deceit telescope and enough patience can figure this out for themselves. In fact, Galileo Galilei's research about this is considered to be the birth of modern science.

1. Young Earth

What is probably the most believed alternative Earth theory today, the young Earth theory basically states that the Earth is only about 6,000 to 10,000 years old. While supporters of this belief usually accept every other scientifically proven fact about the Earth, the only thing they disagree with is the age.

This theory is based almost entirely on biblical beliefs, but modern day geology and certain scientific and geochronological techniques, such as radiometric dating, proves that the Earth is closer to 4.5 billion years old. Plus, there is really nothing in the bible that actually says how old the Earth is. Now of course there is the fact that the bible says God created Earth in six days, but many people, including old Earth creationists and Theistic evolutionists, often asks when it comes to that biblical belief, "Whats a day to God?"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Embarrassing Conspiracy Theories: Acts of Mass Murder are False Flag Attacks

Any time an act of mass murder occurs in this country, or even in other countries, conspiracy theorists automatically claim that it's a false flag attack. It doesn't matter to them whether it's an act of terrorism by an organized terrorist group, or an act of terrorism by some lone nut case, or just something that some lone nut case decided to do one day because they couldn't control their violent urges.

The main "reasoning" behind all of this, besides that fact that many conspiracy theorists don't believe that anyone would just randomly commit an act of mass murder, is the belief that these mass murders are staged in order to convince the public, or at least justify, that creating stricter gun control laws, and eventually outlawing firearms completely, is acceptable and reasonable.

The problem with this claim is that while some politicians often times do call for much more stricter gun control laws after a mass murder involving fire arms occurs, actual nation wide laws getting passed in this country regarding gun control is quite rare. In fact, the last major nation wide gun control law that was passed in this country was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. Plus, in 2004 that law expired, and has never been renewed.

Most major gun control laws that exist in this country are not even federal laws, but state laws, or even local laws, and that's only if the state's constitution where that locality is at allows it to create gun control laws in the first place. In fact, some states barely have any gun control laws what so ever.

Also, another claim that conspiracy theorists tend to make, is that these acts of mass murder may be used as a way to justify imposing nation wide Martial law.

Now the problem with this claim is that Martial law has very rarely been imposed, even at the local level, and that's only when a major disaster, or a huge riot occurs. In fact, Martial law has only been imposed two times at the state level, and has only been imposed one time at the national level, and that was during the Civil War.

At no time in our history has Martial law ever been imposed as a result of an act of mass murder. In fact, the only time that any laws are passed when an act of mass murder occurs is when that act of mass murder is also an act of terrorism.

The fact is, is that acts of mass murder are done by people who are insane, have extremist political beliefs, or both.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

5 Weapons People Think are Great for Fighting Zombies, but Really Aren't

Thanks to the movies, there are a lot of weapons that most people think are great for killing zombies, but in reality, they really aren't that useful for killing zombies at all.

So now, here is a list of five weapons that people think are great for fighting zombies with, but really are not:

5. Shotgun

While most people believe that the shotgun is the best gun to use against a horde of zombies, in reality, it actually isn't.

A shotgun might be effective at close range, but at a distance, or if you're using bird shot, it isn't that effective.

Shotguns have a more limited range then rifles, plus, shot scatters, so if a friend is a middle of a zombie horde, you could hit them and either kill them, or cause them to get eaten. Also, because of the scattering effect of shotgun shot, you might not even hit the brain or brain stem of a zombie. Then of course there's bird shot, which might not even be effective at all against a zombie.

4. Axe

A lot of people might think that an axe is a good weapon to use against a zombie, but because the best way to kill a zombie with an axe is either with an over head swing, or a side swing to the head, it might not be the most effective melee weapon you can use.

Beside the fact that you could easily injure yourself if you miss hitting a zombie with an axe, you could also get your axe stuck in a zombie's head, costing precious seconds, and if you're battling a zombie horde, you may not have that much time. Also, because you have to swing an axe, you can leave yourself open to attack.

3. Baseball Bat

While a baseball bat might be less likely to cause serious injury then with an axe if you swing and miss, and it won't stuck in a zombie's head, it still has some of the same problems that an axe has, such as having to use an over head or side swing to the head in order to kill a zombie, which can leave you open to attack.

There is also one problem that a bat has that an axe doesn't have, and that is with a bat it can take multiple swings at a zombie's head in order to kill it, and that can leave you more vulnerable to getting killed yourself.

2. Chainsaw

While in the movies the chainsaw is often depicted as the most effective melee weapon to use against zombies, or at least the most fun, they're actually probably one of the the most ineffective weapons to use against a zombie horde.

The fact is, is that a chainsaw requires gas in order to work, and usually a certain gas mixture at that. So if you run out of gas, your chainsaw is no good. Plus, there are a bunch of mechanical problems that can go wrong with a chainsaw as well, and there is a chance you could seriously injure or kill yourself using one.

Besides all of that, a chainsaw will throw bits of zombie everywhere, and depending on how the zombie virus is transmitted, if you get any pieces of zombie on you, or in you, you could very well turn into a zombie yourself.

1. Flame Thrower

Considered one of the nastiest weapons of war, flame throwers are also considered a great weapon to use against zombie hordes, but in reality, it's not a good choice at all.

While it might be able to take out large amounts of zombies, depending on what type of fuel you use, it may not kill them outright, so you might end up having to deal with flaming zombies!

Also, like with the shotgun, you have a limited range with the flame thrower, plus if a friend is in the line of fire (no pun intended) your friend is dead. And also, like with the chain saw, it has a limited amount of fuel, and it can malfunction, making it either useless dead weight, or in some cases, a giant bomb strapped to your back. If the fuel tanks are hit by a stray bullet, it can also become a giant bomb that way as well.

Friday, August 3, 2012

ECT Follow up: Ancient Aliens Cover-up: How Myths are Created

On a previous blog post I wrote about Ancient Alien theorists believe that not only have aliens visited us in the past, but that they also believe that information that would prove this to be true is being covered up.

Besides the fact that you really couldn't cover up something, the stories that are told by ancient peoples you really can't take at face value and say that it's entirely true.

Ancient alien theorists tend take myths way to literally, and that ancient humans were basically trying to best make sense of what they saw, and in a sense, this is true. The problem is that ancient alien theorist believe that these myths are maybe only two or three hundred years older then when they were first written down. In  reality these myths are probably several thousands of years older then when they were first written down. The simple matter of fact is that we have no idea just how old these myths really are. Even if those myths were only a couple of hundred years old before they were written down, it still doesn't mean that the details didn't get messed up along the way.

The most likely reason that these myths started in the first place was that they were a way to explain natural events in a way that makes sense to prehistoric man. Because back thousands, or tens of thousands of years ago, we didn't have the science or knowledge or technology to find out just how nature really did work, so people started to make up stuff, but in a way that makes sense to them and fits their reality.

These stories, or explanations, whichever you wish to call them, gets told to other people, and they go out and they tell other people, and then those people go out and tell other people, and so on and so on.

The problem with passing down stories from mouth to mouth back then is the same as it is now, and that details get forgotten, and so a person adds their own details. By the time the myth actually gets written down,  it's nothing like the original. Even when it is written down, one person might write it down one way, and another person might write it down differently. Just take a look at the story of Medusa for an example of that.

Another reason some of these myths were created was that they were an ancient form of propaganda.

Ancient people would sometimes create these stories about how their enemies were tyrants who feed people to monsters, and/or they no morals. The story of the Minotaur is a prime example of this.

It seems to me that ancient alien theorists are doing exactly what prehistoric man did, and that is that they are seeing things that they can't explain, so they're just making up stuff that in their minds makes sense to them, and fits their reality.