Friday, September 21, 2012

How NWO predictions work

There are a lot of conspiracy theorists who every year make claims that the New World Order (or the NWO for short) is going to take over the country, and then the world.

Here is how they tend to come up with these dates:

First, they find a date where something important happens.

Alternatively they just make up a date and claim that it is when the NWO is going to take over. The reason usually behind this is that they believe that the date has some significant importance with the occult and Satanic beliefs.

Second, they make a claim of a "triggering event". It's usually something that is very destructive and would force the government to declare martial law, such as a massive terrorist attack, a nuclear explosion, a pandemic, etc.

Alternatively, they will claim that the United Nations will take over, or the European Union, or some other foreign body.

Third, when the prediction fails, they will usually forget about the prediction, and never mention it again. They will then most likely go on and make a new prediction.

Alternatively they will claim that because of their "warning" people became more alert, so the New World Order scrubbed their plans and set a new date.

Now many of you are probably thinking that this is kind of simplified, but in reality this is how many of these date specific predictions (not just New World Order predictions) work: Make a best guess date, claim what the trigger will be, nothing happens, repeat the process.

A recent example of this would be the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Many conspiracy theorists were predicting that the either during the opening ceremonies, or during the games itself, or during the closing ceremonies, that a false flag terrorist attack would occur and trigger the coming of the NWO.

Of course this didn't happen, same as with the 2008 Summer Olympics, which many conspiracy theorists were also claiming would be the site of a false flag terrorist attack that would trigger the coming of the NWO.

Now I could go on and name more and more of these NWO predictions that have come and gone, but they are just so numerous that it would be pointless to name them all, and that would just be predictions made by the world's top conspiracy theorists alone, not to mention some random nut job on the internet who claims that "aliens" told them the date of a NWO takeover, or because they had a dream that the NWO was going to take over on a certain date, or because they made a "best guess" estimate of when the NWO was suppose to take over.

The fact is that besides the fact that there is no proof that the NWO even exists in the first place, these predictions never come true, and is just another example of not only why people need to stop believing in these NWO conspiracy theories, but why we shouldn't trust predictions in the first place, and not live our lives around them.

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