Friday, July 27, 2012

5 Conspiracies made against Conspiracy Theorists

It is not to uncommon for conspiracy theorists themselves to be accused of being involved in a conspiracy of some sort. While accusations of being involved in a conspiracy are usually are usually made by other conspiracy theorists, they sometimes actually made by skeptics as well.

Here is a list of five conspiracies that conspiracy theorists are sometimes accused of:

5. Conspiracy theorists are dis-information agents for the government

One of the most common accusations that conspiracy theorists make against other conspiracy theorists is that they are working for the government, or some "New World Order" type group, and that they are intentionally publishing dis-information about a conspiracy theory in an attempt to either confuse people, or discredit an entire conspiracy theory. Some conspiracy theorists have even accused other conspiracy theorists of making up entire conspiracy theories as a part of a giant dis-information campaign.

4. Conspiracy theorists are dis-information agents for our enemies

Some people have accused some conspiracy theorists of basically being traitors, and that they are spreading conspiracy theories as part of a dis-information campaign for either a government that isn't on the friendliest terms with us, or certain terrorist groups that wish to see our destruction, or at least lesson or end our involvement in certain areas of the world.

3. Political propaganda promoters

Often times conspiracy theorists are accused making up conspiracy theories, or 
exploiting certain conspiracy theories, and using these theories as political propaganda in order to help certain political parties, or politicians, gain more power. Normally these accusations are made against conspiracy theorists who tend to promote conspiracy theories that are seen as being politically one sided, and these accusations tend to be made by people who are on the opposite end of the political spectrum that a certain conspiracy theory is typically associated with, although this isn't always true.

2. Radical political propaganda promoters

Many conspiracy theorists are often times accused of, or are known to have what is considered to be radical political beliefs, and even being part of groups and organizations that promote radical political beliefs, and that they make up conspiracy theories in order to help promote their political views. These accusations are not just made by other conspiracy theorists, but also by skeptics, and organizations like the 
Southern Poverty Law Center that monitor such groups as well.

1. Exploiting conspiracy theories for selfish 

Some conspiracy theorists, especially those who have made money from promoting conspiracy theories, have often times been accused of exploiting conspiracy theories for selfish purposes. While normally such accusations are made against people who sell and promote products that are targeted towards people who believe in conspiracy theories, these accusations are also made against some conspiracy theorists who appear to only be promoting certain conspiracy theories for attention seeking purposes, which in itself may not be an actual conspiracy, it is a form of deception.

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